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World record in vertical solar panels on rooftops – 248.4 kWp on the Norwegian National Football Stadium

Over Easy Solar

Updated: Jan 6

In May 2024, our partner Solenergi FUSen mounted the biggest Over Easy Solar installation so far – a 248.4 kWp solar installation on the rooftop of the Norwegian National Football Stadium – Ullevaal Stadion. This installation is now the largest rooftop vertical bifacial solar installation in the world. It was installed on an existing bitumen rooftop – the mechanical installation was done in a matter of few days. 

View of the vertical solar panels implemented at Ulleval Stadium
View of the vertical solar panels implemented at Ullevaal Stadium

Solar Installation at Ullevaal Stadium Sets World Record

This unique installation entails 1242 vertical solar units of 200 Wp, positioned to harness the full potential of the sun’s rays. This installation is estimated to generate an impressive 219 000 kWh per year clean energy.  

Vertical Solar Panel Benefits Showcased at Ullevaal Stadium

Analysis from Over Easy Solar’s pilot projects demonstrates that vertical solar panels can achieve more than 20-30% higher specific yield than traditional flat roof solutions. The solar panels are in this installation oriented in a general south-north orientation (20 degrees east of south), providing a energy distribution with higher energy yield in winter months. Vertical solar panels also yield increased performance during winter due to less snow coverage and increased production from the high albedo of snow.  

Other key benefits that are appreciated by the customer is the low weight of the installation and the easy access to the rooftop for inspection and local repairs of the roofing membrane.  

We’re proud to present this as the largest vertical rooftop project in the world to date, but we are also certain that the record will not last long.  

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